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Page Rule integration with APO

The following Page Rules can control APO. Any changes to Caching page rules require purging the cache for the changes to take effect.

  • Cache Level: Bypass — APO bypasses pages with response header cf-apo-via: origin,page-rules

  • Cache Level: Ignore Query String — APO ignores all query strings when serving from Cache.

  • Cache Level: Cache Everything — APO caches pages with all query strings.

  • Bypass Cache on Cookie (Business and Enterprise plans only) — APO applies custom bypass cookies in addition to the default list.

  • Edge Cache TTL — APO applies custom Edge TTL instead of 30 days. This page rule is helpful for pages that can generate Captchas or nonces.

  • Browser Cache TTL — APO applies custom Browser TTL.

  • CDN-Cache-Control and Cloudflare-CDN-Cache-Control – Enables users to have detailed control over cache TTLs without using a page rule. For more information on the CDN-Cache-Control and Cloudflare-CDN-Cache-Control headers, refer to CDN-Cache-Control.