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Change TCP connection tampering API endpoints to TCP Resets Timeouts

  • Changed the connection tampering summary and timeseries API endpoints to TCP resets timeouts summary and timeseries, respectively.


Add more meta information's

  • Added meta.lastUpdated to all summaries and top endpoints (timeseries and timeseriesGroups already had this).
  • Fix meta.dateRange to return date ranges for all requested series.


Add new Layer 3 endpoints and Layer 7 dimensions


Add new Layer 3 direction parameter

  • Added a direction parameter to all Layer 3 endpoints. Use together with location parameter to filter by origin or target location timeseries groups.


Add Connection Tampering endpoints


Deprecate old layer 3 dataset

  • Added Regional Internet Registry (see field source in response) to get asn by id and get asn by ip endpoints.
  • Stopped collecting data in the old Layer 3 data source.
  • Updated Layer 3 timeseries endpoint to start using the new Layer 3 data source by default, fetching the old data source now requires sending the parameter metric=bytes_old.
  • Deprecated Layer 3 summary endpoint, this will stop receiving data after 2023-08-14.
  • Deprecated Layer 3 timeseries groups endpoint, this will stop receiving data after 2023-08-14.


Fix HTTP timeseries endpoint urls

  • Updated HTTP timeseries endpoints urls to timeseries_groups (example) due to consistency. Old timeseries endpoints are still available, but will soon be removed.


Add URL Scanner endpoints


Add Quality endpoints


Add BGP stats, pfx2as and moas endpoint


Added `IOS` as an option for the OS parameter in all HTTP

  • Added IOS as an option for the OS parameter in all HTTP endpoints (example).


Add AS112 and email endpoints


Updated IPv6 calculation method

  • IPv6 percentage started to be calculated as (IPv6 requests / requests for dual-stacked content), where as before it was calculated as (IPv6 requests / IPv4+IPv6 requests).


Add new layer 3 dataset

  • Added new Layer 3 data source and related endpoints.
  • Updated Layer 3 timeseries endpoint to support fetching both current and new data sources. For retro-compatibility reasons, fetching the new data source requires sending the parameter metric=bytes else the current data source will be returned.
  • Deprecated old Layer 3 endpoints TimeseriesGroups and Summary. Users should upgrade to newer endpoints.