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URL rewrite parameters

Static and dynamic URL rewrites have different parameters:

  • A static URL rewrite requires a static value for the target URL.
  • A dynamic URL rewrite requires an expression that, when evaluated, will define the target URL.

The maximum length of all parameter values in a URL rewrite (combined) is 4,096 characters. For example, you could provide a static value (or an expression) for the URI path with 2,048 characters and a static value (or expression) for the query string with 2,048 characters.

API information

Static URL rewrites

The full syntax of the action_parameters field for a static rewrite URL rule that rewrites both the URI path and the query string is the following:

"action_parameters": {
"uri": {
"path": {
"value": "<URI_PATH_VALUE>"
"query": {

If you are only rewriting the URI path or the query string, omit the query or path parameter, respectively.

Dynamic URL rewrites

The full syntax of the action_parameters field for a dynamic rewrite URL rule that rewrites both the URI path and the query string is the following:

"action_parameters": {
"uri": {
"path": {
"expression": "<URI_PATH_EXPRESSION>"
"query": {

If you are only rewriting the URI path or the query string, omit the query or path parameter, respectively.

Different URL rewrite types in the same rule

The same rule can have different types of URL rewrites for the URI path and the query string. For example, a single rule can perform a dynamic URL rewrite of the URI path and a static URL rewrite of the query string. The syntax of such a rule would be the following:

"action_parameters": {
"uri": {
"path": {
"expression": "<URI_PATH_EXPRESSION>"
"query": {