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External resources

Demo apps

  • Hackathon Helper : A series of starters for Hackathons. Get building quicker! Python, Streamlit, Workers, and Pages starters for all your AI needs!
  • NBA Finals Polling and Predictor : This stateful polling application uses Cloudflare Workers AI, Cloudflare Pages, Cloudflare Durable Objects, and Hono to keep track of users' votes for different basketball teams and generates personal predictions for the series.
  • Floor is Llava : This is an example repo to explore using the AI Vision model Llava hosted on Cloudflare Workers AI. This is a SvelteKit app hosted on Pages.
  • Whatever-ify : Turn yourself into...whatever. Take a photo, get a description, generate a scene and character, then generate an image based on that calendar.
  • Vanilla JavaScript Chat Application using Cloudflare Workers AI : A web based chat interface built on Cloudflare Pages that allows for exploring Text Generation models on Cloudflare Workers AI. Design is built using tailwind.


import { ExternalResources } from "~/components";
## Demo apps
<ExternalResources type="apps" tags={["AI"]} products={["Pages"]} />
## Videos
<ExternalResources type="videos" tags={["AI"]} />